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Nov 29, 2005 01:12

I love being able to talk to someone for almost six hours!! Thats just crazy if you ask me. I think almost everything you could talk about was talked about!!! LOL But it was so great! I haven't been able just to sit down and talk to someone like that in forever! I remember the last time I did and it was almost three years ago. Maybe I've found something I want and need to keep around for a lil bit to see what happens. Time will only tell thats for sure. Till then have fun and can't wait for friday!! LOL On the the other hand..... LOL I feel like I haven't seen my best friend in like ten years lol. More like a week and a half. But goodness I hate it. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?! Well other than that things seem to be lookin up. School is school and going. I have only a few weeks/classes left of this term. Thank Goodness!!! Can't wait for next term, I really can't wait to take sign language!! Any who life is life and no matter what you have to keep living it!

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