UWAH, MMM is my newest obsession! In fact, I'm so crazy about the drama that I had to make a moodtheme before I have even finished watching it :D (So, needless to say, no spoiling! I'm at ep13 now, so not much to go anymore♥)
*all 132 moods, round, size 64x64
*includes admin console codes, property of
crackified, respectively
*basic/plus/paid journal, it doesn't matter -it's possible to use custom-made moodthemes no matter what your journal type is. If you have questions about using a moodtheme, please visit
crackified. She has amazing help entries up! :)
.comment if taking, por favor? A simple 'thank you' is surprisingly delightful to see in the inbox♥
.credit when using; something of the sort "moodtheme made by
blindcottonlove" in the sidebar/profile is enough
.have fun with it! :)
.feel free to add me for updates~
.what's up next?
-Black Lagoon moodtheme (57 moods done)
-OP Ace&Luffy moodtheme (117 moods one) (I've been sort of stuck with these two, will finish eventually)
crossposted x2