Thanks :D It's no wonder you haven't heard of the show I guess, it was aired in Spain 2004-2006/2007(?) -it's on tv in Finland now, and I have no idea where else it might've been broadcasted. But, it's plain awesome♥
i live in canada and we get a few shows like this on certain channels but not this actual show. i would love to be able to watch more european or foreign tv though.
Finnish tv programs are so different from the stuff other European countries produce that yes, I'm on the same page: I'd love to watch more foreign tv :D We have a lot of Brittish and American stuff on tv but not much f.ex. Spanish or Latin American (I'm a sucker for telenovelas<3). Cable channels might have some but the pay tv here is srsly expensive.
*ahem* Sorry, random fangirl!flail!seizure :D
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