fandom: Alice Nine (gosh, I miss the dot already ;o;)
pairing: ToraxSaga
music: "Shh" by Frou Frou
huffy_chan made a mind-blowing ToraxGacchi video around a year ago. Some of you might've seen it in Youtube; it's called
Never to Know and it's just plain amazing. It's one of those videos that make your heart go very big before exploding^_^
So, I have no chance to surpas that. However, I've been wanting to make something with this pairing for some time now, and esp since all I've been writing has been MiyavixShou lately, I really wanted to contribute. So, hopefully here's a sensual vid that suits our sensual pairing :) Please enjoy, and comments are appreciated like WOAH♥
The vid has a vague story behind it but due to the limitations of the material, I wasn't able to express it perfectly.
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