I received a special request earlier today. Because of it's intriguing nature, I attacked the mission right away and completed fulfilling the request in two hours^^b
Request: Saga&Nao of alice nine.
Requested by and thus for private use only:
huffy_chanIf she is willing to share the graphics, I won't object to it, of course *lol*
Includes "type A" and "type B" of the header x)
TYPE#A: "Tsubasa"
(inspired by alice nine.'s hit single Tsubasa)
TYPE#B: "Liar"
(inspired by NEWS's song of total win, Liar)
I wasn't instructed at all about making the header. All I had were the size and the fandom. Knowing Huffy isn't much into alice because of their music, I decided to go fanfiction-ish right away x)
I didn't know which "view" to take, so I ventured a bit. She can choose which one she likes the best. I like both of them almost equally (in the name of truth I admit, the first one is a wee bit dearer because of the blend I made for it *lol*) but more importantly, I like the "pun" in the design^.^~<3 See, if you had known the pictures and songs I was going to use, you would've put them together differently, yes? The sweeter, calmer picture with a tint of red with alice nine's pure, loving Tsubasa and the rougher graphic with NEWS's aggressive pop piece Liar? Contradictions, I'm all about them^_- It's more effective when you find a betrayal and deception lying under the seemingly smooth surface, and then again, is there a bigger tear-jerker out there than a strong affection found between two hot-blooded young men? Sinners and angels of different sorts... contrasted with the purest of things... I think the differing styles and messages are quite fascinating to study^^ (am I allowed to say so myself? xD)
Also, it was obvious I wanted to use ol' good visual shots of alice nine. Saga's blonde hair♥
So, whatcha think? :D Enthrilled by the re-discovered know-how on using textures, I've designed a series of song wallpaper sets. They're still on the state of thought, though, but if you'd like to see some more of this style right here, share your thoughts and let's see if I actually turn my ideas into graphics^__^