Fan art: Miss Rii's guided tour~

Apr 01, 2008 01:48

<-new profile and layout graphics! Version#9, "Notebook and the memories", featuring MUCC and their wonderful song Ame no Orchestra~ \o/

My sis informed the layout's background color looks a little funny with her screen options D: It's supposed to be dark, brown-ish.. peach. Something like that. She sees is chocolate brown what the hell *cries* Hopefully it's just her and her retarded old screen.

I wanted to have something strongly Tatsurou emphasized but that gorgeus shot of Satochi haunted my heart and eventually, ended up building the header around him~

This is something I've wanted to do for some time now; a guided tour to Deviantart's finest jrock pieces&galleries ♥

Sometimes it seems finding "proper" fan art is nearly impossible, at least if you're browsing around in Livejournal. I admit it -LJ doesn't serve fan artists well. Finding off-site hosts, crossposting, creating tags and directories... so, it isn't any wonder that Deviantart, a site that has been designed for artists' needs, attracts people more.

I have an account there too, I just never got around uploading anything there. But, I visit the site frequently, every time getting stuck there for hours and hours and hours... Damn, it's one hecka addictive complex of galleries^__^~<3

If you have an account, go and comment, since what artist needs the most is feedback, love, support, criticism, thoughts... anything you can give^_-

The chosen galleries represent very different styles -I've picked lighter, cuter pieces drawn in manga-influenced style, but mainly, because that's where my personal interests lie, I come bearing examples of strong, dark, photo-realistic usage of shadow, light and lines.

Hopefully you'll enjoy, and maybe you'll find something that will leave a small imprint on your heart :)




10) Aoi of The GazettE by padf0ot-m0ony
11) Isshi&Toshiya byalistaircuttlebrink
12) Miyavi by kinwayuu
13) SagaxNao photomanips

#10-12 are pieces of which creators haven't allowed off-site promotion, thus no preview images.

1)Tatsurou: In DevArt, you'll find dozens and dozens of Tatsu pieces based on the photograph that was used here as a subject as well. However, this one really stands out *in awe* This is one of the rare fan art pictures I've printed and stuck onto the side of my mangashelf^.^ I love everything about this -the fascinating, detailed composition (to fully realize the depth of this picture, you'll need to take another look... and, third and fourth... *lol*) I prefer a little stronger shadows and figures in general, but here I wouldn't dare to ask more. This is simply perfect: a multileveled combination of unique art work and fan art~<3

2)God of Water: Well, this one isn't about jrock, but it's made by the same artist who created the Tatsuro piece above, and for me, it's fantastic how she's been able to connect her own, fantasy-inspired style and the subject and themes she usually uses to visual kei^^ Her whole gallery is full of this swirly, flourish goodness, so definitely check it out, if you're attracted by art noveau, Alphonse Mucha -and the elite of Elfwood ;)

3)Kagrra,: I'm not usually very fond of digital art, but immediatelly when I enlargened this picture, I fell for it. It's a bit rough -it could use some final touches- but the eerie lack of faces really dreads me a bit, which is... somehow beautiful? I mean, fear is a very sincere emotion, and to be able to pull that out of a person, that's a skill not many of us have. I especially like Shin's hair and Izumi's dress, to mention some detailes :)

4)Uruha: Uh, I don't know if this is actually one of my favourites, but I wanted to show it to you anyway because this is a complete opposite of the previous piece. It's a little sad the picture is MQ, it might not give the best of first impressions to the viewer... Aaanyway, I chose this because technically, this is very good: the usage of color is skilled and the artist masters face structure very well. Hair is always difficult to draw, Uruha's especially, but here the result looks amazing -you can almost feel the soft, hair-sprayed wisps of hair. However (and now the "but" appears xD), besides being very well composed and carried through, it lacks one thing: soul. Though Uha looks cool and mysterious, at the same time he's very paper-y and one-dimensional, in my opinion. This is simply a pretty picture, fan art above "mediocre". Maybe "fan art" is exactly the right word to describe this, because fan art is usually created to celebrate the beauty of fandoms? In this case, Uha's perfect exterior has been gorgeusly captured, so maybe that's enough.

5)Maru: asjhjasjakjskajlkjdENVY. *.*
The magnificently controlled shadowing technique (*pouts* I mean goddammit, take a look at the shiny rivets of the belt and Maru's skin -this girl knows her materials, from metal to denim to cotton to fluffy fur, she masters them all *cries*). I've always been a sucker for very strong usage of pencils, and cargoal pencils especially. This pic of Maru is powerful, drawing one's attention to it mesmerizingly. My own style differs greatly from Ureiningyou's(the artist) and though I'm happy with the way I draw, I can't help feeling this nasty sting of jealousy *lol* It's amazing someone has this much energy and time to use to get every little thing perfect. Normally, I get a little bored right after I get face finished, so to get the picture quickly out of my hands, I'm more than a bit sloppy with background and clothes and such. *sighs*
In her gallery you can find a simple yet lovely group picture of Gazette in Paris photoshoot, and one colored Ryuutaro/Plastic Tree~<3

6)Zetsu!Ruki: Awwww, this is simply cute ^.^ I like the mixture of techniques: ink, color pencils, maybe pastels in the background... I have never profoundly studied digital art, but there might be some photoshopping involved in the drawing process as well, really dunno.
It's obvious the person has been drawing for some time now, since the picture's atmosphere is very self-confident. Also, I cherish the original looks of Ruki. I'd love to see more of this style, maybe of alice nine^^~<3

7&8)Tatsuro with Yukke&Merry: DARLINGS, THIS_IS_ART *dies from admiration*
The feminine looks of Tatsurou, the poeticly colored background, the text from where the inspiration for this piece has radiated... god ♥ ♥ I've been staring at this more than it's healthy, trying to figure out why I love it as much as I do. I've come to the conclusion that that is because I can't really... separate the "ingredients" of the picture.. for once, the result is greater than the sum of all the details :D
muckcracker is one of my ultimate DevArtist favourites, a real fan art god *drools some more* Check out her infinitely stunning gallery -the pop artsy colors, romantic compositions, brutally emotional themes... All those elements blend wonderfully in the Merry piece~ (Doesn't it remind you of the illustrations for the book J-rock? :D) Seeing what this girl would come up with Kagrra would be a to-die-for *insert more fangirly spazzing*

9)Tora: Finding decent alice nine fan art is hell. You thought Kagrra is a difficult fandom? No. Kagrra is rarely fan art-ed, but when someone grabs a pen and really tries to capture the true essence of the boys, the result is usually breathtaking. alice nine, then again... there're loooots of girls drawing pictures of the boys, but... it's very rare anything good comes out of those pictures *dodges flying sharp items* Music's different, fan base is different, fan art is different. Alice nine is maybe a bit too a "shallow" fandom so people'd really try to create "artistic" fan art of them... and, alice nine really attracts young girls with their beautiful, sexy looks, so no wonder many of the fan artists are young too, which results everything mentioned above. I don't know what I'm babbling anymore *laughs* I was just trying to remark that I haven't seen any good fan art of alice nine in ages, and of Tora especially, which pisses me off a little. He has one of the most inspiring faces around, not to mention the puzzling talent he possesses, and yet, no one seems to try to catch the tiger inside him. His nose alone is worth a fan art piece of its own xD I love this man~<3
In this piece I love the unique point of view. Tora's often depicted as cool, collective guy, so what appealed me the most in the piece linked above was the fragile pose, as if he would shatter if touched. I might like to try something similar in future~

10)Aoi: I like the sketch-y-ness of this, as well as the brown color. Though this is made in manga style, Aoi's face looks very "real". ♥

11)Toshiya&Isshi: This is based on some fanfic series or a yaoi fan comic, I'm not quite sure, but that's why you shouldn't really give a damn about the text on the picture *lol* The Tim Burton-ish style reminds me of the layout of xalice_ninex, yeah? :D Isshi's legs<3 Very cute, funny, naive, sensitive.. somehow French-y, yes? A bit children book-ish, even. Miss Rii in love~<3

12)Miyavi: The pastel colors *__* This is a little similar to the muckcracker's works and to the piece above. I want to learn to apply this kind of flowery elements to my own work someday.

13)alice nine photomanipulations: No need to worry, nothing dirrrrty behind the link, everyone will surely enjoy a trip to this gallery ;D aside SagaxNao, ToraxPon is represented (though, they aren't nearly as good as the GacchiPooh ones)
Manipulating pictures is hard work, everyone who has ever tried it knows it. AND OH MY GOD, though in these pictures there are some tiny flaws here and there, AREN'T THESE SMEXY?! *melts into a puddle of goo* The SagaxNao AND NAOXSAGA W00T stuff is really impressive. The grainy MQ gives the pics a nice touch of reality. God. Hawt is good. Good. Goooood. *dead*

And now has Miss Rii's DevArt tour come to its end~ Thank you for travelling with me~<3 And, if you know any good fan art sites/galleries/pictures, recommendations are always welcomed ♥ Fan art is my life^.^ I'm in constant search of good arisu art (esp Tora and Sagacchi AND nice mild yaoi with any pairing [sexy is good, explicit is.. not *lol*]), but pretty much anything goes, even of the bands I don't listen to myself. Or, even better -if you draw, let me see! :D

...though, after this, you're probably too scared to show me any xD xD yes, I'm quite nitpicky when it comes to really loving something, but I do enjoy all sorts of art~ Be brave, my young padawans! If nothing else, I'll gladly share my tips and constructive thoughts with you~

fan art, update, guided tour, deviantart, jrock

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