Screencaps: Jrock&JE

Nov 24, 2007 13:32

After a long pause, I return to sharing screencaps.

Again, mostly stuff I've made originally for my own usage, but I think they could be useful to others, too :) Plus, I have already iconed some of the sets, so it'll be interesting to see how my creations differ from other graphic makers' works~



|caps x85| |491x450| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing; originally capped for my own iconing-purposes (never got around to make the icons, though *lol*)
.Mako-centric, surprise surprise~
.the artistic beginning of the pv with the text slowly fading in and out.. I love it. I could simply watch those few seconds over and over again for hours^__^ Artists and video directors should focus more on the beginnings, since as they say, you can give your first impression only once.


|caps x110| |494x469| |download .rar file|

.great for iconing, no re-touching
.gjahaghagafgaftya. This PV might be my all-time jrock pv favourite... well, right after Taion and Utakata, that is ^__~ But it's definitely the bestest thing alice has ever produced. I love it. Yes, it's cheap-ish and Nao looks ridiculously baby-faced, but.. there's just something in the spirit of it. The pv is magical. Shou's capturing eyes as he's carefully scanning the other events in wonderment from the star dust.. Hiroto's beautiful face as his fingers are tracing the strings of fate.. Saga pouring water as royally as an ice prince like him should.. Skinny Nao gazing at the white chain.. and lastly, gorgeus Tora-sama clutching feathers in his hands for his dear life. I love every teeny bit of the pv. Perfect.


|caps x103| |1022x647| |download .rar file|
Edit: |download .rar file@sendspace|

.oh wow, these are big *scratching the back of her head absent-mindedly* It's been a while since I capped these.. but I think there're some smaller caps too inside the folder. The quality isn't that great in a few of the caps, but they will make good icons with some time and effort :) Some of the caps have met some light re-touching.
.Fantasy, a nice alice PV. The sand-brown colorscheme was something I didn't expect to see when I started watching it first time but it really works. Very serene, peaceful vid. I love that outfit era in alice's history<3 Tora and Shou, for example, looked extra pretty. Saga's style has "grown up" from those times and Nao has find a completely new path to walk, but somehow Tora's still the old good visual Torashi. (In the new photoshoots I love his skirt-like thing and those big silvery ribbons -only Tora could wear something like that and carry it as it was the most masculine garment ever *lol*)


|caps x63| |696x465| |download .rar file|
Edit: |download .rar file@sendspace|

.okay for iconing; some of the caps are a bit fuzzy. And once again I fail at cappin the drummer *sighs*
.size might vary a bit due to cropping
.At first I wasn't going to share the Jewels caps because I know a few other people have uploaded theirs, but then I thought that giving mine up for grabs wouldn't do any harm. These were capped for my own iconing purposes, that's why the silly attempt to cap every little scene including Tora and Saga -the result isn't that good *lol*
.this pv is sort of dull, for me at least. There's not much going on, and the non-Asian couple annoys me a wee bit. But, Shou looks pretty and self-confident, which covers up some faults.


|caps x44| |696x465| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing; the low number of caps is due to the fact these were once again originally capped for my own personal usage
.bouncing!Yukke makes me happy ♥
.a little different MUCC :) It's amazing they have the will and talent to try out diverse styles in music and pvs. Tatsurou looks great, as always, and the whole plotline is real nice. It succesfully conveys something essential about today.


|caps x73| |695x389| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing, Maru-centric
.this PV is lovely, it really raises my spirits. The guys are gorgeus. It's so sad bis is history after January *sighs* I angsted enough of this in my other journal, so I'm not going to re-ramble on the topic, but.. I'm going to miss the band and their energetic, uplifting releases. Hopefully they will stay in the business even after bis's disbandment. All the love in the world to Maru. Hopefully he gets his issues solved, whatever they are *xxx*


|caps x85| |640x480| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing, no re-touching
.awwwwww, I melt every time I watch this pv ♥ ♥ Goofy and cute they are. Oh the overdose of fanservice!


|caps x35| |640x480| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing, no re-touching
.the size includes the black borders
.originally capped for my own iconing purposes; I might re-cap this in future more carefully, but, for now, these will do~
.mostly caps of the sexy&dark beginning/end of the pv, only few from between (and those are all Kame)
.I surprised myself drooling over Nakamaru as capping this ♥ It seems I end up taking the less-loved guy's side *lol* in JE, that is. And NewS is an exception. Yamapi rules the universe.


.comment if taking, credit if using :)
.no re-posting; using these in some fansites/galleries is okay if you inform me first
.don't claim these as your own

.let me know if the links are broken and I'll fix them right away~

. My screencap&pv icons directory
. My sticky index post

.Oh, and I'm still looking for another icon maker to challenge me! :D See the details here

mucc, alice nine, deadman, jpop, kat-tun, jrock, bis, arashi, screencaps

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