Here it is: the very first screencap entry of this journal^_^
Previews and download links behind the cut. If the links are broken, let me know, ne?
|caps x35| |486x274| |
download .zip file|
.great for iconing; no re-touching
.Tatsurou's glasses<3 Damn, the glasses would deserve a "I Love" bar of their own :D
|caps x77| |323x180 &a few 637x353| |
download .zip file|
.Quality should be good enough for iconing; no re-touching.
.This is my favourite SID pv~<3 I love the street lamps, butterflies, everything~<3
|caps x80| |487x283| |
download .zip file|
.Good quality for iconing, no re-touching
|caps x26| |755x356| |
download .zip file|
.The quality of the copy of the PV I have is.. not the most HQ ever *lol* That's not the reason why the number of caps is so small, though. Well, not the main reason, at least. I capped this PV for my own iconing purposes; I'm not sure if they serve other people at all^^' As stated, the quality could be better, but, if you have a little patience, these caps are iconable :) I went them quickly through before zipping and cleaned the worst parts. The white scenes, in which the guys are sitting, got a little more attention. I coloured and darkened them a little to make the band stand out from the background.
|caps x28| |484x276| |
download .zip file|
.Good quality for iconing, no re-touching.
.comment if taking, credit if using^__-
.do not re-post these anywhere else without my permission; using them in fansites or galleries is fine if you inform me first~
.do not claim as your own (du~uuh~)
My PV screencaps&icons directory <-all of my screencaps and PV icons in alphabetical order
Sticky index entry <-all of my art pieces, graphics etc in order of posting