My first bunch of colorbars. I noticed that you can't make just one colorbar, it's impossible -you just realize "Oopsie, it's 03.10 and I've made 6 colorbars.." Interesting. Colorbars are my anti-drug. Well, anyway, here's six colorbars, or actually four and one wannabe-colorbar and a second version of it. Enjoy.
I'm sure you taste sweeter )
Comments 13
Christian Bale -so wonderful actor. I hated "American Psycho" (it's way too creepy for me -bodies in bathtubs and bodies in wardrobes and bodies in freezers.. oh my god) but I have to admire Bale and his bone-chillin' performance. And as Batman.. uh, who needs Tim Burton and Michael Keaton anyway? x)
Hav'ya seen Dominic at Graig Ferguson's late night show? He told Graig that though he's straight he has a man crush on the surfer who's teaching Dom (and taking him "on the waves he has no right to be involved in" or smthng ^^) to surf. So when I browsed my photo collection of CB through I thought Dom would definitely have a man crush on CB if he had seen these.. *smirk*
See, just something my dirty mind cooked up *smiles*
You should definitely (if you can) download it from Star|Dom. It's really worth of it. <3.
Also, I like the smiling being rare cuz it's true.
I'm delighted. Thanks. ^_^
Your color bars are fantabulous!! *dies*
And thank you for being directed here, always nice to meet other CB-addicts. He's way too gorgeus. <3. Nice to hear you loved my goofy graphics. :D
(Aww, and sucha cute icon.. *tries to steal it*)
I shall be a faithful visitor of this journal.
Thank you muchly!
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