[Carpe - sort of open?] Learn to fly before falling...

Jan 19, 2013 14:40

One of the benefits of being a bird meant faster healing time. Iggy's wing had healed the week prior, but he'd been doing small exercises before attempting flight after he'd unwrapped the bandages Zhane had been kind enough to put on them.

What time he hadn't spent working the muscles for flight had been spent taking care of his mother or bringing guests to her or looking for information. Now, he wanted to be alone. Well, no. That's not true and he could admit that to himself.

He needed his flock. Instinct told him that his flock was all but gone now and there was nothing he could have done to repair it. He needed a new flock. Or he needed to flee and he was well aware that wasn't an option.

So, in an effort to hide from the feelings of desperation and loneliness, Icarus is perched in an out of the way tree, wings tucked around him to keep the wind out, just trying to calm his racing thoughts and heart.

With the unflux of open posts on the comm, here is an Iggy post that's mostly closed to people he already knows. If you want to chat with an Iggy and you DON'T know him, let me know.


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