school plus "diet" post

Nov 03, 2006 09:47

i'm pretty sure i'll be dropping religion... part of me thinks i shouldn't because that'll only leave me with two courses.. part of me things it'll look bad and i'll feel.... worse about only doing two.... but the other part of me wonders why i'm even bothering?

i don't need it credit wise, i'm not interested (its mainly about huge confrontations in the past) and while i orriginally took it hoping for an easy a.. at this point its more of a gamble... so.... i think i'll just drop it and focus on the two plus doing some volunteer work... so, for the next month i'll be doing 2 courses, doing the stage at maimonidies and volunteering at vision ecoute.... maybe i can find somewhere else to volunteer... somewhere prefereably envolving dogs.... oh and ihave a hadley course going on... too bad those aren't for credit!

health wise my gaugh is till here... but at least its not to the point where i'm scared about throwing up... it can still be pretty often (especially when i'm working out or outside) but for the most part its not as annoying.. my head no longer hurts when i caugh (although i've been having a lot of eye burns and headaches lately for no apperant reason.

ok this next part is all about weight loss stuff so skip it if you're not interested.

firstly i have to figure out how to call and tag my weight loss progress... weight loss seems too long and simplistic since its also about ecercise and what i eat. diet seems wrong because i'm not following a diet... i'm just trying to eat less junk... plus a diet is something you come on and off of... i'm hoping for behaviours that stick with me... arg... anyways on to the update

i think i can say i'm 239 (i get really apprihensive every time i write how much i way... but... gulp... thats just one more thing i want to get over!) anyways that means i've lost 5 pounds. i went from alost 245 to 239 point something (depending on the day) it seems surreal... i can't believe it!!! i really can't... lol its only been a little under two weeks... the last time i lost five pounds it toom me a month and a half... i've never lost weight this quickly.

i've done some form of exercise tuesday wednesday and thursday. i'm proupd of that. i'm especially proud of wednesday since i got home at 9:30. it wasn't intensive but my mom and i did a 20 minute walk around the neighbourhood.

I HAD NO HALLOWEEN CANDY!!! in fact, i since the almond croisant last thursday i only had one chocolate peanut butter thing from ittle betty on sunday. i'm realllly happy with that since i've generally been reaaaaaaaaallly bad around halloween in the past.

anyways so overall i'm doing good diet wise.... i'm hoping to see results by christmas.. but i really doubt it! it would be so nice though!

anyways before i start thinking of christmas ( too much food) and how i probably wont' see results for a really long time and how i still have 120 pounds to loose.... well i'll leave it on that and try to focus on my short term goal... part of me actually believes i can do this. its so odd... lol
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