Aug 15, 2006 22:35
hi all. i haven't updated in a while. On a whole things are going pretty well. i've been feeling kinda moody at times... i'll get back to it but for now i'll focus on the good.
the rest of the time i had with corben went pretty well. he was a little snappy but overall a good puppy. i gave him to alex at 2:45ish on friday. i still have his nilo bone, id, and portable crate here. i will give the latter to leanne when i see her and the nyla bone to julie when i next see her.
anyways after dropping him off i went to meet nat, anthony, ashley and cris and spend the evening at anthony's. The next day consisted of meeting nat for brunch because of her b-day, buying her a gift, and then going home to help my mom prepare for a family visit on saturday night.
Sunday was a good day as well. julie sharie, anthony, cris, ashlie, and of course nat came over for a BBq. the BBQing portion of the day was a bit of a disaster but we eventually got everything cooked and the BBQ on and off correctly. Other than that i really enjoyed myself. i enjoy having people over and wish it would happen more often... that said next time it will be a simple meal and not a bbq (i thought i owuld be ok since i have done steak ... but apperantly cooking steak and burgers/hotdogs are very different!
Monday was a loooooooooooooooooooong but prety good day. Since cris had to be at the bus station by 1:20, we all met at t joeseph's oratory at about 10. after a wrong start we eventually found it and had a pretty good morning. I could of been a better guide... in fact anthony helped a lot with that, but... all in all i think the visit went ok. After lunch at subway nat, ashley and i went to atwater and cris and anthony went to anthony's and then the bus station. The afternoon was supposed to be spent studying but by 2:30 i was completely drained and thought my energy might be better preserved for class.
i think today was my favorite day since ashley got here. we went to the botanical gardins and saw the courtyeard of the senses the greenhouses and a couple other gardins druing the afternon. i very much enjoyed sitting by the water... it was so soothing. i love to listen to it. Because our energy was depleting and the rain was starting we headed to my house. dinner was super quick and easy unlike sunday. i enjoyed having nat ashley and anthony over. although we didn't have any piniata to break, and less to do... it was nice to just sit and talk.
all and all i had a very enjoyable day.
but now... its odd.. i'm sitting here thinking of school, relationships, babies, dogs, jobs and... sighs well.... i guess i'm just feeling a little discontent. it seems like every time i'm content with one aspect o fmy life, another bothers me... its probably because i'm concerned about a few things, i'm fairly tired, and am missing my dad
overall though i'm having a good time and these thoughts only seem to pop out at night when all is quiet but i can't seem to sleep. actually now that i mention it... the last couple of nights remind me of when i was at dawson and sleeping restlessly for a couple of months.... sighs i hope that doesn't happen again. i remember not being able to go to sleep becausei kept thinking of one thing or another. i also remeber never feeling rested in the morning.. that seems similar to the last 3 nights... Its odd because i really have been enjoying myself and wish ashley would visit more often!
i have to be good tomorrow thursday and friday and spend a lot of time studying.
ahsley anthony and nat are going to the soup cafe and i very much want to join them... the food sounds... interesting and potentially very good... you'll see i suppose. the plan for tomorrow is to go through the rest of my sensation slides and mark which i want to go over with my tutor. I also want to go through my chemistry notes and do the same... oddly all semester of chem are about the same amount of notes i need to know only from the last third of my psych class!
oh and nat if u read this before i talk to you: i gave you the wrong cd. you have my mom's eros - i probably grabed the wrong one because i burned eros as well. i'll give it back to you on thursday wehn we meet at st viateur for bagels... mmm.