Jul 18, 2006 05:00
hi everyone, Its been a while since i've updated here. I plan on doing a long phone post and also a recap post but.... for now i don't have the time or the energy for that. its about 5am and i'm only somewhat functional / awake. i have a lot of work to do on a paper that is due at 4:30 today.
nat i got your message about today but i really don't think i could make it. i reallly want to go see my cousin before he leaves.
three things could happen today:
if my exam tomorrow is at 7.00 pm then i can get tutored tomorrow and will be able to go say goodbye to my cousin who's visisting montreal.
i inish this paper, get tutored from about 5:30 to 6:30 then go to my grandmoathes to spend a little time there (i'll only be doing this if my mom agrees to pick me up... that seems unlikely though.
do everything the same as option two but either call to see if anyone is around after i'm done tutoring or come home and sleep.....
Any... social interaction will probably have to wait till thursday afternoon or friday.
sighs for the most part i'm glad i've taken these summer courses... but right now... i'm so so so so os so so tired.... after today i'll - thank god - be down to 6 credits rather than 12
sighs i suppose if i want to hand this in on time i should get going...
school family friends