can you ri~ise to the occasion? ;)

Sep 02, 2008 00:42

just thought i'd say i survived the first week of college,

went home for the weekend,

am still home, but have to go back tomorrow by 3PM (in time for my Japanese class 8D).

i'm already buried in homework, but it's nothing i'm not used to.

well. it could always be better, couldn't it?

it could always be less hot and sunny, for instance.

but on thursday night we had a major super monsoon , it wreaked lots of havoc, bent many trees, broke many windows, flooded many rooms and streets, and cost ASU $8.5 million in damage (hahah their brilliant idea of a . bubble/dome thing as an "indoor" sports practice arena, it failed and blew away, torn to shreds).


i need to write a paper about the BEST thing. ... hmmmm... milk? grapefruit juice? tea?
i'm thirsty quite.

mamasei mamasa mamakosa
mamasei mamasa mama-ko-sa

i wanna take you away...

bah, you know what's annoying?
'join clubs, do your work, get a job, do an internship, apply constantly for scholarships,
exercise, eat, relax, have fun, sleep, study.'

how about.
'join a few clubs sure,
do my work of course,
do an internship maybe,
apply to some scholarships occasionally,
exercise if i'm bored enough,
eat when hungry,
have fun,
and study.'

i can go on and on and on...
get stupid get stupid get stupid

"i like this part. it feels kinda good. yeah."

happy belate birthday to die Kaulitz Zwillinge, ja?

und happy birthday verily to cousin Mirza!

you want a piece of me?
she's too big now she's too thin
lifestyles of the rich and famous
oh my god that britney shameless
extra odaihtwoeituauow84y

i wonder if you know
how they live in tokyo
if you seen it then you mean it
then you know you have to go

drift drift drift


ha ha ha ha ha

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