So we burned all our uniforms, and let nature take its course again. (With Behind the Scene Pics!)

Jun 08, 2007 23:44

Yes, yes, YES. Friday. Part 2 of the Behind the Scene Photos!!!

I like these ones a lot. I like them all a lot. I got TWO SCENES LEFT TO EDIT! I already started one today, and I got tomorrow off, so this movie is getting done!

My new goal now. Is to light it up during Roller Hockey tomorrow. If I can be MVP at softball, I can at least score a goal? Right Brian? Mike? ............anyone? we'll see.

Anyway. Tomorrow, I'm going to try and finish both scenes, but I got Sunday too if that doesn't happen. By the end of the weekend, The movie will be edited. Carl's gonna get the photos and start whipping up the movie cover and stuff. (Carl. Seriously. Thanks so much. I hope it doesn't seem like I just assumed you'd do this for me. I'm so in debt to you for all that you've done. I could do a decent cover, but nothing compared to you. The Duplicity cover and this one will be like part of your 10 commandments. Everyone will bow down to them in awe. haha.)

Mark Dawson will be in town by the end of next weekend, and him and I are gonna totally rock everything out that we have left to do. What I want to do during the week while I'm waiting for him, is try and get the Official Trailer completed and out to the public. I think it's for sure possible. So we'll see how all that goes.

On to the Photos!

I love this one. I really do. Why? Cause if you look closely, Don is ACTUALLY reading BATMAN AND NOT THE SCRIPT!!!! Although, can you blame him? I think I'd rather read Batman too, cause he's so amazing! I mean, come on!

Mark Dawson, hard at work going over the script to help me make sure we're on track! What a guy.

Jeff is ready for his close up!
p.s. Check out that beard attempt! haha. That was a year ago. I'm better at it now.

In one of the scene's, Jeff drops his phone on the ground. He didn't want to ruin it, so Mike took one for the team and became the Phone Safety Wrangler! Good job!

Here's one of Lon and Rachael that didn't make it as part of the official Promo Set. The panther that Rachael has comes with a funny story, and you'll see more of that thing in the next set. For now, you gotta wait! :(

Speaking of the Official Promo set, back when I was going through all the photos looking for the best behind the scene photos, This Promo Picture of Dan and Mike resurfaced, and I discovered that I never posted it! Sorry! So for those who actually clicked to see the rest of these, you get a special extra Promo Pic. How 'bout them apples!

The Dame loves me. What about how I'm making Lindsay stand right in the sun! Oops!

During one of the shoots, Jeff tried to be funny and said something to Mike. Well I guess Mike didn't think it was funny, and he went all Terminator on the door! Jeff couldn't believe it!

Don and Jeff get ready to create some Magic!

Obviously, I was saying something very important.

I don't honestly know what Mark was doing here. I think he's either checking his pockets for his movie money (pizza won't fit!) or he's about to do some nifty jig. I could be wrong on both accounts.

Here's Mike being all Assistant Director. We're hard at work, but when aren't we?!

Me: Jeff, I do hope you know we're here to film.
Jeff: Well! Why didn't you say so! That's a horse of a different color! Come on in!!

The Dame still loves me. No, she isn't turning suddenly to run away! It's part of the scene. Maybe.

Here's Niki having a GRAND old time! She just can't wait to film.

I really like this one. It was taken during a brief time when things were going smoothly, haha.

Oh, that was fun. Wasn't it?! The third set should be up on Monday. Monday seems like it'll be good for that. With any luck, I'll get to include a big statement saying that the movie is all edited. Lets hope. Comment!

Links to the older sets! The collection continues.
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