MOVIE POST. starting from the end of April, this is my watch list. if you're really knowledgeable, you'll be able to tell what patterns i got into with certain actors, sldkjfg;.
Run Fatboy Run
The Uninvited: Emily Browning is a cutie, omg. and i never use that title lightly.
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Slumdog Millionaire: AHAHAHAHA, all i know is that this kid’s actor is now cast as Zuko in the Avatar adaptation, and that’s all i care about.
The Phantom of the Opera: boring.
Just Like Heaven
The Duchess: i admit, i teared up. what an awfully depressing movie. Keira Knightley did a really good job portraying the Georgiana. i think the worst (and by worst, i mean heart-breaking) scene was when Grey came pounding at her door… okay, honestly, the whole second half of the movie was heart-breaking. remind me not to be reincarnated into a stuffy aristocratic time period where there are no vampires who can get away with more liberal behavior.
The Devil Wears Prada
Rachel Getting Married: LOL, was not expecting to see Sebastian Stan.
Ghost Rider
Charlie Bartlett
Fierce People
Wendy and Lucy
Push: i… wanted to like it, i really did. just not sure i do. um.
Giniro no Kami no Agito: what a weird ass anime movie. i don’t recommend it. at all. the plot made no sense, and the characters were too one dimensional to connect with. and it was just stupid. manmade, mutant plants run amok, destroy the moon, tear up the Earth, attack humans, monopolize the water supply, turn people who accept its power into trees, and the point of the story is to forget about potentially reversing the apocalypse this genetically altered forest caused and instead protect it and the status quo?
yeah… no.
i was backing the antagonist and his desire to actually, you know. bring back civilization. what the hell is GONZO trying to sell, environmental friendliness? um, it seems more like the movie wants you to thumbs up the end of humanity and subservience to plant life. also, apparently it’s possible to uproot entire volcanoes from the ground and survive in them. aldfj;flgj. so awful. the only bright spot was KOKIA doing the theme music.
don’t even bother with this one. you’ll thank me for the half an hour of your time i saved.
One Week: LOL, Campbell Scott, you surprised me there.
The Reader: i don't know what to say. i cried, and then... cried.
Race to Witch Mountain: ALEX LUDWIG, YOU :| SO GOOD.
Bridge to Terabithia
Little Children
L: Change the World: SO CUTE. i loved it. it might not be canon, or even vaguely resembling canon, but i do so enjoy this interpretation of L. seeing him play guardian to those kids was so lsdkfj;flgkj ♥ even if i will never love the film’s portrayal of Near.
Billy Elliot
Dear Wendy
The Chumscrubber
Hallam Foe
Star Trek: LOL SPOCKLAR. and Chekov was adorable, i loved him. A NEW LOVE FOR ANTON YELCHIN HAS BEEN BORN. and i liked the movie. ♥ what was really bizarre was that it kind of turned into a family outing, WHICH I SWEAR THIS FAMILY HAS RARELY HAD. i mean. rarely. really rarely. on top of that, my dad hasn’t been to a theatre since the time when movie tickets were only $2, so it was… an experience. (seriously, he brought his own snacks. from home. in a baggie. sld;fjflg)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: um. i’m not sure what grade to give this one. it definitely wasn’t as bad as X3, which was a OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD IT’S NUCLEAR level of fail, but it wasn’t as great as say, X2, which had better pacing and character development. Origins just basically threw out a new character every five seconds, leaving everyone but Wolverine and Victor to get an average of fifteen seconds of screen time.
Ryan Reynolds? Taylor Kitsch? their characters were totally shafted, oh my god. i’m disappointed they didn’t get more of a role beyond being one-use-only plot devices. :[ i guess the title of the movie does say something about who’s going to be doing the most shit, but come on. that was like three different movies crammed into one.
Gambit, sob. i wanted to love you, but because you were barely there, i hardly knew ye. and Dominic Monaghan‘s character, LAWL.
THIS. and now thanks to
that, i was really eager to see
this, because whoa, two good actors plus Malin Akerman cameo in a movie by the same director who did 27 Dresses? i’m in. i enjoyed 27 Dresses.
The Proposal: dude, adorable, even if it’s not particularly for lovers of substance. it’s good if you just like to see Sandra Bullock or Ryan Reynolds in action. but actually, i found the Andrew/Margaret dynamic to be pretty satisfying, just because if i ever wanted to use fangirl Japanese to describe something, it would be Margaret.
that only reminds me that i also want to see
this. i don’t think i’ve ever been interested in so many romantic comedies before. is Hollywood stepping up or are my standards getting lower?
aaand Blade: Trinity: because even though i own it and have seen it, like, four times, um. Ryan Reynolds. i did it because of Wade Wilson in the interests of Hannibal King, and i’m never disappointed with Hannibal King. :[ Ryan Reynolds’s retarded, funny, badass, dorky characters win my heart every time.
BUT MOST RECENTLY. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. which i saw twice today.
that. is. all. i’ve been waiting for that scene for years, man. and also. Frank Dillane playing teenage Tom Riddle. ♥ he reminds me of Tom Sturridge, which is never a bad thing.
... and it's two in the morning right now. i need to. you know. sleep. XO