Aha hi LJ. Just posting to say I'm not dead!
I always read my flist, and I love you guys a lot. Been really busy with school. Just haven't found the motivation to post. Perhaps I shall grace you with an xbox huge post soon that you will most likely skip! Also have a lot of photos to post too.
Of course, we're getting ready for Katsucon~ And we'll be driving down early Friday for those of you that would like to hang out. We're looking for photographers to shoot the costumes we're wearing~ So far, our lineup is looking like this
Wendy and Peter ~ Kuroshitsuji (for Scout's Circus group)
Silk Spectre II ~ Watchmen (with Jenni!)
Rave Bunnies ~ With Tess and Bunny
MAYBE Lady Gaga. Doubt it though, already have too many outfits for my comfort.
Bunny!Haruko and Mamimi ~ Fooly Cooly (Looking for other people to join our group, please!)
Tsukasa and Kagami ~ Lucky Star (BUNNY GIRL GROUP! 8D With Tess, Bunny and Jenni :D)
Circus Rave ~ With Bunny and Tess
Somethin' cute.
So yah, that should be about right. If any photographers wanna take pics, please let us know! These are all new costumes and stuff!
And then the weekend after Katsu is Wicked Faire! Any of you going?
yuffiebunny and
mostflogged, are you guys free this Friday? We wanna get the bunny suits all finished!
Also, Bunny! Are you shooting with Tarilyn on Saturday? We might be. Not sure yet.
So yeah, that's all for now, darlings. How're you all doin?