I AM PANICING BEFORE KATSUCON OMGGGG IT'S SO SOON KILL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. We have yet to start our Beatmania costumes and omg I am just stressing about everything omggg lsjflajsdfljalsfjalsjdflads HALP.
First off, I really need a new pleated skirt pattern. I HATE the one I use. It makes super awkward pleats. I am really looking for thin, knife pleats. So if anyone can suggest something, that would be wonderful.
Nextlyyy~ Does anyone have a dark brown wig I could borrow/buy from them?
It looks like this. I am pressed for money time and if I could help out one of you by buying it, all the better. But I really am looking to just borrow for NYCC/Katsu. FOUND ONE 8D I totally had one with my other wigs. Requires some styling but OMG I AM SO HAPPY.
Anyone here who makes jewelry/crafty things.
How would you suggest I make these rings? It's the ONLY part of my Blind Mag costume I don't have. And it's kind of important. Makes me sad. I am willing to commission them.
Does anyone here have experience with plaster of paris? More specifically, making a mold of someone's face with it? Yeah. I am making a mask of my face for
the lovely Pavi here on the right. And I sort of need all the help I can get. I have seen tutorials online and such, but if I could get some pointers/someone who wanted to come over and help me *cough* that would be wonderful. I already have the mask latex and paints so that's taken care of.
And that should be it for now.
And cuz I feel like it, here's a pic of the progress I've made on my Blind Mag costume~
I am fairly happy with it so far. Here's hope I do Sarah Brightman's beauty as Blind Mag a tiiiiiiny bit of justice.
Alrighty, this one has homework and wishing for snow to do. Much love everyone. Thanks in advance for any help!