Jul 27, 2004 04:03
I think I might have a problem
I have always been naturally skinny, but recently I sort of noticed that I was putting on a little weight. According to this BMI index, I am just barely underweight, but I always feel fat.
I've noticed that subconsciously, for the past few days at least, I haven't been eating. Even when I am hungry, I just convince myself not to eat. Like I'll tell myself I'm just not hungry, and then my stomach rumbles. Or I'll say that there's nothing in my house I feel like eating. I've only eaten once a day for at least the past six days.
At first I thought it was just something like I really wasnt hungry or whatever. I mean, I'm bi-polar, and sometimes I have mood swings where I decide not to do something (IE: eat), but it hasn't gone away and it's been almost a week.
Am I becoming anorexic?