Featured on the website
http://www.drinknation.com , the Flaming Jesus is listed in between the Flaming Jesse and the Flaming Licorice - and a safe distance from the recipe for Diablo’s Blood. Here’s what you’ll need to make the Flaming Jesus for yourself and your congregation: 1/4 oz. of 151-proof rum, 1-1/4 oz. of vodka, a splash each of grenadine and lime juice, and, of course -- the holiest of vessels -- a shot glass. Drinknation instructs you to “pour vodka, lime juice and grenadine into a shooter. Layer the 151 proof on top and light it, then drink. (Blow flame out first.)” Suh-weet!
Just remember to drink a full glass of holy water before hitting the pillow or else you might be worshipping the porcelain god in the morning.
All due credit for this goes to
http://www.jesusoftheweek.com ... don't ask how or why I found it just know that it is good!