Admin Note

Oct 01, 2013 13:59

Hello!! A favor to ask of you... as the last bit of "tidying up" for Round 014, the fics will be labelled as to who wrote 'em, and tags will be added for authors. Generally, the tags have been made using the user ID, that is, an individual's livejournal or dreamwidth username, or whatever username was given at sign ups. Especially now that we are bridging between livejournal and dreamwidth, and because the challenge has been ongoing for so long now, I'd like to ask that people check to be sure that the name their fics are being tagged with is the name they want associated with their fiction. People change usernames over time, and maybe now if someone is more active on dreamwidth or on AO3, they would prefer the name associated with that account to be used for the tags.

So!! Especially if you have changed usernames at any point since first participating in the challenge, please take a look at the tags and be sure that your fics/works are being tagged the way you want them to be. You can find a list of tags here:

On livejournal
On dreamwidth

Though, keep in mind, the dreamwidth tag list links only lead to the list of fics from previous rounds on the dreamwidth account.

IF you would like your tags changed, please comment here to let us know!! Otherwise, when your entry for Round 014 is labelled and tagged, your username given for the round will be used. For simplicity's sake, we'd prefer the tags be as seamless as possible, but it's ultimately your name, so... we wanna get it right!

Thank you!!


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