Sign-ups are now closed. Once again, for this round, you will be expected to write one or more of the cliché themes, and the standard theme prize will instead go to the writer who manages to cram as many clichés as possible into one fic.
I thought we were just brainstorming for inspiration in the sign up post. I didn't realize I'd be held hostage to those ideas for the next month.
you say If the author believe it to be a cliche, but... looking over the list from the brainstorming, there were plenty of things there that were either... not overly common in hikago fandom, or not specific to hikago fandom... i think this is just a question of semantics. the word "cliche" has to mean something to be specifically applied in a challenge of this nature, and to that end, yes, we mods, with input, decided on a 5x5 list that should hopefully be either inspiring or challenging or at least give people room to work, but what you do with the "cliche" is up to you entirely. blast the cliche to bits, or make people laugh with the soap opera... i, personally at least, have confidence that, if nothing else, fandom will prove that it's ( ... )
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