Aug 09, 2003 03:18
its 3 o clock in the morning and I am not one bit tired. And no one is online, and there is nothing on TV, and I don't feel like watchin Empire Records again.
So I''ve been sitting here listening to Bright Eyes and staring at a blank live journal client thinking of what I could say in here...and I couldn't think of anything.
Actually, the truth is I could think of everything to put in here, and just never say it. I could flood all your friends pages with tons of pointless entries, but why should I? Wouldn't want to waste ya'll's time. Heh.
So I figure...after I finish an entry for the day, I'm just going to go up in my room, and read Helter Skelter. Its sad that I started that book months ago, and still haven't finished it. I haven't really felt like sitting down and reading lately. My eyes start to sting, and I can't concentrate. Mer.
So a little birdie [ ;o) ] told me about MSI playin in NYC in December. I want to go. Anyone wanna go with me? Laurie? Lol. I don''t know of anyone else that likes MSI. Heh.
I want a lover I don't have to love...
wow, I love that lyric. Mmm, bright eyes <333. Conor...-drool-.
So I've started on little random writting trips lately. Some random single line lyrics, a few stories, never anything finished though. I've never once finished a song that I really actually like, even when I read it a week later. Nor have I ever finished a story of mine. That kind of bugs me that I have all these unfinished things...Oh well. off tomorrow for Warped Tour in Asbury. I'm not going to bother putting in what I'll be wearing on Sunday, cause I doubt anyone would be planning to meet me. But I will be there, just wandering around. I'm still not too sure how long I'll stay before going to the hotel, or just walking on the beach for a while. Im just, not excited about warped this year.
Hmm..well, theres another pointless entry down. Who knows how many more to go. I think I'm going to go read now, or just listen to Copeland until I fall asleep. Or maybe I'll rock some more bright eyes tonight. Who knows...
would it be wrong to say I missed you, though I am the one that let you go...?