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Марсианское радио: О сколько нам открытий чудных...
Dec 20, 2013 10:49
Вот! Наши марсианские ученые давно об этом знали, а ваши новозеландские - взяли и невольно подтвердили психологическую достоверность межпланетно известной сказки "О рыбаке & рыбке":
"researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand try to answer this question by evaluating the effect of being right versus being happy on a couple's quality of life. The study involved a married couple living in their own home. The authors decided that the female participant would prefer to be right and the male participant would prefer to be happy. So the man was asked to agree with his wife's every opinion and request without complaint. Even if he believed the female participant was wrong, the male was to bow and scrape. The male was informed of the intervention while the female participant was not."
"The study had to be stopped after 12 days as the result of a severe adverse outcome -- this being that the male participant found the female participant became increasingly critical of everything he did (выделено нами - М.Р.). The man's quality of life score fell from 7 out of 10 at the start of the study to 3 at 12 days. The women's increased slightly from 8 to 8.5 at six days."
В конце концов, ученые пришли к заключению, которое абсолютно совпадает с моралью сказки и опытом цивилизаций:
"we believe that it could be harmful for one partner to always have to agree with the other."
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