Jun 21, 2005 01:58
this journal is startin to get boring, but i love reaidng otehrs journals so i can see whats going on in their life so tis only fair for me to do teh same but anyways.....my weekend was good...spent most of it w/ dave obviously. Hes great, my life is going really good right no, i haven't gotten mad at anyone for a while now...i love it. Its wierd how i'm jsut keepin my cool now and gettting over stuff within like 5 seconds. I just finished talking to my mom. I had to tell ehr why i got home so late last night. I was liek an hour and a half late. but it was bc i seriously hate being home. I told dave to take a few trips around teh block before we went home bc i just hate coming home. I just love being out and doing stuff i guess...And i ahte being home cuz tahts where my parents are and...ugh. I got an exam tomorrow and its like 2am right now. I tried studyin, i decided i'm definately startin to call ppl like right after exams are over...i'm just basically hangin out w/ the my closest ppl until all this stress is over...eh i guess i should be leavin..have fun...be safe...ttyl