i've gotta crush on you

Aug 12, 2004 21:43

aren't new crushes just the best? my week so far:
Sunday: going to the park here and having a great time. falling off the teeter-totter was hilarious
Monday:rented movies with lianne and found out that he likes me
Tuesday: went to the mall with Him and Jennifer. omg...freaking good times. Jen-::picks up a tube top::"this is a really cute skirt"
Wednesday:going to the park in derby with Him,nan,me,sarah,amberle,and eric. holding hands and talking. Sarah talked to him FOREVER on the internet and he said things like "I would never do anything to hurt Britany." AWW
Today:spending time with sarah and then band camp and seeing Him.

WEEEEEE! what a good week!!!!!!!! ::overly (and exagerated) excited face::
I have LOVED this summer! i have a nephew and a almost boyfriend and lots of new friends. i'm section leader, student mentor, and a S-L-A-C-K-ER. YAY. i'm gonna be mr.meir's techer's aid and o my heck this year is gonna be the greatest EVER!!!!
Me::Mikie, your mamma is so fat the the one size fits all fits all except yo mamma. Mikie:: *hurt face*well thats because my mom doesn't need to wear a cup.
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