What have I been up to?

Nov 01, 2009 13:43

Hey everyone!

I haven't been posting much recently but there has been a lot going on. I've been busy all weekend, for once. lol

Thursday was full of driving (to get my textbooks) and studying. So to keep myself entertained I started watching Lost: Season 1 on Netflix. I remember both Yaya and Brian saying how good the show was so I gave it a shot. At first I was like I dunno...but by the end of the season (that's right, I already finished it) I was OMG OMG what happened?! Where's the next one?! Haha, so now I have a new addiction and four more seasons to go! So thanks for the suggestion you guys! Another friend tells me Supernatural is good, so I might check that out next.

Friday I went with reannaremick and Randi to a couple of bakeries where we scoped out some eye candy and yummy pastries! xD We met up with Meg at the Bento Cafe for more good time and yummy food. lol It was cool meeting her and it's funny cause she's currently working in the same field I will be when I graduate in the spring. Small world!

Saturday was pretty much school day. I was in class for the majority of it (8:30 - 4:00) but it went well...just slow and booooring. Twitter and messaging was the only thing keeping me awake and that's sad. Anyway, I didn't go out for Halloween. I stayed in, killed zombies with some friends, and watched scary movies with rynnukikamitsu . FYI, Serpent and the Rainbow is weeeeeird!

Today (Sunday) I'm already off to a good start! I've completed the reading for one of my classes and already took the quiz. After I finish the reading for the other class, I'm calling it quits today for school stuff. Next on the agenda, is back to cosplay (now that things are settling down). I got some nice brown vinyl from Reanna the other day so I'm going to use it to start making holsters for Sheva. I'm all kinds of hyped up about the costume now because I've been playing the game. I'm hoping to get it done within the next few weeks here. I know I could just buy holsters but I want to give making them a shot because the design really isn't that complex. Also, I'll be working on the website, which  is coming along nicely. I showed a couple of screenshots to livvylove , but I think a lot still needs to be done IMO before I begin posting progress here.

Anyway, back to work!


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