Better than being a girl, like you! You're a girl..hahahaha!

Feb 11, 2008 08:30

Welp, Its finally happened. I knew this day would come but never really expected it any time soon....After all, it can't happen to (me).

Poor Amelia is in heat. She's running around the apartment wailing and crying rubbing up against anything and everything. To that end my couch is covered in blankets and quilts so that it doesn't get leaked upon and I'm sure I'll be renting a carpet cleaner sometime soon. I don't think I can have her fixed while this is going on but as soon as its over she's going to the vet. I still don't want to keep the cats but its looking more and more like I'm going to. I could put them on craigslist but who knows what menu they'd end up on.

Poor girl, she's miserable.
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