Breaking Dawn Review

Aug 12, 2008 08:47

I finished the book today. A lot of people complained about it and I think reading the negative reviews prepared me. I started reading it knowing it'd be crazy. I had low expectations and was even a little hesitant to read it. But I pulled through in 3-4 days and I was actually entertained. Even the cheesefest parts that I knew were bound to come up didn't annoy me - though they did make me laugh. How many times was dazzled said? LOL.

Okay, my main problem with the books is that Bella was totally fine as a newborn vampire. She experienced no thirst and she could be around humans. I wanted to read some kind of struggle. It didn't have to be a lot, but Bella got it way too easy. I think a story is more realistic if she had some kind of regret. Even if it was minor like missing the taste of human food, at least that would've been something. As a vamp, Bella doesn't have to give up anything. She can keep seeing Charlie and Renee, Jacob will always be her friend and now she's got a baby, too.

I don't know if SM made Bella have an easy time because there wasn't enough room in the book to put some kind of struggle or regret.

I was convinced there'd be a fight between the Cullens and Volturi. Then they came to a diplomatic solution and I was like "Hey, that's easy."

Bella's power is interesting and extremely obvious. I wish I could've guessed sooner what she'd be able to do.

The kid whose name I can't spell (Edward/Bella's daughter) - I got quickly used to her being around and Jacob imprinting on her. Again, I think I was prepared for it (thanks spoilers). Even the birth scene was something I prepared myself for so I only went "eww" once.

I did like how a bunch of new vampires were introduced. I always like reading about mystical creatures and the powers they have. And SM created interesting histories for them.

And now I'm in a writing mood.

book review

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