Icon Meme

Jul 10, 2005 19:53

Got this meme from colorfilter :).

Instruction: Post your very first icon that you made (if you have it, if you don't, the OLDEST one that you have) along with your newest icon. This will allow you to show how you have improved in iconing skills and tag five friends to see how they have improved.

(First Icon) >> (Last Icon I made)

The first icon I made was when I first joined LJ. That was last march. My skills are not so good yet, but I'm improving :). The last icon I made was for a challenge I joined on actors100 and it's on beautiful Brittany Murphy. I have 76 more icons to go cause I just started last Tuesday. I think I will post the first batch once all the 50 themes are completed. And yes, I'm starting to run out of ideas LOL XD.

So I'm tagging..... everyone on my flist! ^_^ Then comment here and tell me if you've done this meme so I can have a look on your improvements :D.
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