The mountains of the west coast are officially much more breathtaking than our/your atlantic ocean.
you can't swim in them but you can definitely hike/quad/climb/camp/stare at them.
It was the first time I have really been witness to their majestic, glorious, mind altering presence.
From WAAAY up above.
I was impressed.
but unforunatly...I forgot m camera in calgary.
I will do a proper "christmas picture post" once I am sent the pics from mike/denise in caroline...and hopefully all of them.
but just so you know...
It was a really nice time, I want to say "awesome" or "great"
but it was so wholesome, and pretty, that I'm gonna stick with "NICE" as my main descriptive word.
For a while I forgot that I had real family here in alberta, figured it was just me and WILLE (my brother)
out here on our own.
but not only do I have aunts and uncles out here (and not all that far away)
but my FAVORITE aunt and uncles living just a quick drive away. (aside from jackie,marian and the Tompkins clan, or course they're also favorites)
And FYI, my 2 year old niece is smarter than most of us, probably the most impressive part of the christmas break. (and the Focal point for most of the visit)
she speaks clearer and more coherent than your average businessman.
it's amazing, Denise and Mike you have both done an amazing job... ALREADY!
I'm starting to love it here,
and thinking less and less about moving back east.
hope you all went.
you do know that he's looking down on you right?
btw... did I tell you that I sorta kinda maybe believe in jesus again?
he's a good guy and kind of saved us and stuff.
oh wait, sorry I mixed up the names... I was thinking of stephen harper.
I think I may be leaning conservative.
fix me quick...
and please...question me!
tell me why I shouldn't be conservative, the latest slew of leftwing documentaries on US foreign policy/globalization/global warming aren't cutting it.
yes yes, I know they're the enemy and all,and we hate them... but tell me why again?
my vision is clouded, it may be the altitude.
I want to be proved wrong again.
PS: pictures soon(ish?)
and merry christmas to everyone, even those I am not a fan of.
Stephen Harper loves you too and will forgive all taxation sins
just give him a majority and you will see the light.