Jan 15, 2004 22:47
Thursday, January 15 2004 10:34 pm
As mentioned, i didnt have school today. i still got up early though. wendys called round 8:30 and asked if i could come in. i didnt plan on doin anything elde so i went in. i worked from 10-3. i then came home and did nothin, and have done nothin today. we had jets for dinner. oh yeah, today is my uncle daves 62nd birthday. so nothin to talk about. im bored. whats really cool is that springhill is tommorrow! that means i might not write for a coupla days. so anyways, i tried gettin hold of meagan but it didnt happen. im gonna ask her tommorrow. i didnt really talk to anyone today. oh well. last night chris, amber, kevin, godar(for a bit) all had a convo in msn. it was pretty fun. we havent talked like that in ages. hopefully we can do it again sometime. i miss chris, him being my favorite cousin and all doesnt help. or the fact that he lives in washington. so yeah, to recap this whole entry into one sentance. did nothin today cept goto work, be lazy, eat pizza, and read. this is where i depart. lates.