Fantasy setting.
Young boy has his life turned upside down when the bad guys raid his village.
He finds a sword. Turns out he's the hero of a prophecy who is supposed to turn back the invaders.
Sets out to do that. Slowly gathers a small group of others who help him.
One or two die along the way. There's sadness and drama.
Two doubt the whole prophecy thing. There do seem to be a few inconsistencies.
Get to know and like the characters, but moreso the doubters than the hero.
Everything looks like it's heading toward the great battle of the prophesy.
A month or so before the great battle the hero and his team are trying to save some villagers as they evacuate from the path of the invaders. They are attacked by a small scouting party.
[ed. All of the proceding takes 1/2 to 2/3 of the book.]
During the battle the hero dies, unoticed and decidedly not heroically. He gets cut up pretty badly, then just shoved out of the way, where he painfully bleeds to death.
Party is stunned and bascially disintegrates. Some just run. Others try to take up the hero's sword and continue his work (they all die). Doubters return to the wise-man who told them all about the prophecy. They 'convince' him to tell the truth: it was all lies designed to give the kingdom hope. He's done the same thing in numerous places with different heros and different prophecies.
Ok, not sure how to end this.
Copyright 2009 Andrew M. Salamon
License. For attribution please link to this post.