I was going to post this as a comment on
this article but it really doesn't belong there other than the fact that the article mentions that Apple Inc. now has $28B dollars in the bank.
One thing I really wish Apple (or someone, anyone, please?) would really do is dump some of their billions into battery research. Or possibly even battery prizes.
$5B to anyone who creates a production ready battery that matches gasoline for power to weight and power to volume ratios. Possibly with smaller prizes for lower benchmarks. One of the great things about using prizes to spur development is that they don't even need to pay out a dime unless someone delivers. Well, OK, there are costs associated with administering the prize, but still.
One reason why Apple in particular might want to do this is because so much of their product line relies on batteries and, let's be honest, the most advanced battery currently on the planet is an absolute piece of *bleep*.