May 31, 2009 15:57
Though it would make me happier if I could actually go outside in it. Today I'm stuck inside revising for the three-day exam which starts tomorrow. At the moment it's Freud all the way (but forgive me - I understand the whole interpretation of dreams thing. I just have no idea how it relates to literature in any way). Tomorrow morning I pick up the exam questions, then spend until about 3:30pm on Wednesday feverishly reading and writing to get the required two essays done. It's times like these I wish I was one of those people who can just sit down and bang out a massive essay in one go. I prefer to do, say, 250-500 words a day and portion it out like that, but not this time.
Still, come Wednesday afternoon I'll be free as a bird to start my summer! All four glorious months of it. I've already got loads of things planned, like the Wickerman Festival and car boot sales and random mini camping holidays and daytrips and MUCH FUN.
Got to look for a part-time job to fund all these things, but I hope somewhere will be hiring! Aiming to do around 20-25 hours a week so that I have spare moneys to play with, mostly because somehow I need to afford the rent for the new house (which we will be moving into one month tomorrow :D:D) Currently I think we'll probably only have it for the one year, because Little Steve will be on his year abroad in our third year so we'll be one person short, but I guess we'll see how it goes. Plus, and this is only at the very VERY early stages of thinking, Antony and I are musing on getting a place together at some point in the next couple of years. That'll most likely be at least a year away, because I have this place already and he needs to get some savings together, but we were thinking either when I leave uni, or just possibly a little before then. So who knows, might have a house with the boyfriend for my third year :)
(well, maybe not a house. A small flat.)
I think he's pretty much decided against uni for the moment now. Can't say I blame him. Truth is I'm only carrying on for the moment because it makes the most sense financially and because there currently isn't anything more productive for me to be doing. If something better comes along before my time here's up, screw it, I'm outta here. I've still got this naive little dream of getting something published properly while I'm still at uni, and whilst I know how incredibly unlikely it is, it gives me something to work towards! (Is it a bad thing that the thought of getting a degree means absolutely nothing to me, whilst the thought of getting published is some kind of crazy amazing dream? Hmm.)
ALSO I'm overly excited at the prospect of the Sims 3. Even though the leap doesn't seem to be as big as between the sims 1 and 2, I'm sure it'll still be damn cool :D If only I had a spare £40 to preorder it, but nevermind. Once again, when I find a job...
Oh, did I mention I'm going to learn to play the bass? I had a bit of a play with James' while I was round Antony's last week and fell a bit in love, heh. I might actually be buying that particular bass because it's beautiful and plays so well, and he'd give me mates-rates of £100 for it. Yeah I could get a cheaper one, but I don't reckon I could find one as lovely for that price. But I seem better suited to bass because it's not like guitar where I fuss over making an actual tune, I just have fun hitting the strings in different ways to make cool noises :D All I can currently play is the bassline to Sex on Fire but... um, that's hardly difficult. It's a start, though.
summer job,
i like antony,
exams are rubbish,