
Sep 28, 2008 11:09

First full day at university... and I've woken up ill. I wouldn't be complaining if it was self-inflicted, but I didn't touch a drop of alcohol last night. I'm just plain poorly. So I've not actually had any breakfast, just a cup of tea. Not sure I can manage solids at the moment.

Also turns out that I utterly fail at being away from home. HAI HOMESICKNESS. Got so close last night to just calling my mum and begging to go home, but managed not to. Everyone else went out, and I went with them for a bit but everywhere was so crowded and I didn't feel like drinking so I was the odd one out a bit, and therefore went back to the flat. No one seems to be treating me as the reclusive loser though, so I don't think I've done any permanent damage. To be honest I'm just really not in the mood for going out - I don't like getting drunk, and because it's freshers week everywhere is absolutely packed and it's just not my idea of a good time. So I probably will be known as the reclusive loser after a little while. Never mind though; I am a reclusive loser.

At some point today I need to find my way to Glen Eyre reception so I can point out all the many and varied things that are wrong with accommodation. Currently, the list is as follows:

- Loo seat is broken
- Wasn't given a network cable/instructions on how to work electrics so had to use my own
- I've not been given a key to the postbox
- Fridge door keeps coming open
- Grill pan lacks handle and wire rack
- Window handle is broken

On the plus side, I've successfully changed my phone settings so it no longer introduces me as 'Craig Lang'.

It also strikes me as a bit crappy that the rooms down here (I'm on the ground floor) are FREEZING unless you keep your heater on 24/7. And we all have our own individual electricity metres, so if we DO keep our heatres on it costs us lots of money. It cost me 50p last night purely to keep warm. Not fair. Need thermal underwear to save money.

Finally (for the moment): massive thank-yous, hugs and I-love-yous to Nogm and Anton for letting me whine at them and be rather rubbish last night. You two keep me sane :)

gah, uni

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