(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 13:28

I'm meant to be writing a 1000-word opening to a novel to bring to my creative writing class next friday. I'm also meant to be working on a 1,500-word extract to submit with my creative writing dissertation proposal next month to prove that I can actually write. There's just one problem: I have absolutely no ideas for either. I could quite happily write a few hundred words about a dissatisfied housewife, or a teenager 'finding themselves' or some bollocks, the problem is that it wouldn't be any good. And that kind of defeats the point. Sometimes I get inspiration for something really fucking good but it's a rare happenstance, and it most definitely does not happen on demand. It's a bit depressing really.

It doesn't help that my creative writing class is called 'writing the novel'. This implies that whatever ideas I have, whenever I set pen to paper it has to be a complete idea, and one that's big enough to turn into a novel eventually. I'm not someone who can just start writing something random and then it turns into a wonderful and complex plot. So it means I'll probably end up just writing some drivel to fill the word count and getting depressed at how apalling I am :/ I'm almost tempted to take in the first 1000 words of my old Mint Royale thing, but I think everyone would be very afraid of me from then on :P

Oh well, it's off to google 'writing prompts' I go then!

uni hates me, blah, lucy = epic fail

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