Apparently my lovely sparkly mirrorball converse are mad at me for not wearing them in over a year, because they've blistered the fuck out of both my heels. Currently the only shoes I can wear are my red summer sandals because the ankle strap is high enough not to rub. I wore them loads over Easter though, why wait til now to start waging war on my feet?
Oh well. I have shiny new things, bought with my loan. Only they're ALLOWED because I'm saving loads of it for next year, I'm planning to keep at least £300 back and I still had £20 left over from last term so I'm allowed to buy a couple of things just for me. I've bought two colours of 'lustre dust' (you dust/paint it on cake decorations to make them have... well, a lustre), in theory for Anton's birthday cake but really because I want to play with it. I also have a new corset, for the princely sum of £3.49 from Age Concern. Originally it's actually from Primark, but shush. Look, it's purty!
I also got two new pairs of glasses last weekend, and they're awesome but... the prescription's wrong. They're way to strong, within an hour or so of putting them on I start feeling really dizzy and sick. Shame, because they look pretty snazzy.
That'll be another few hours in the opticians trying to get that sorted then.
Anton and I are trying to sort out our student finance for next year and it's just... impossible. There's no information on the site to tell you what's available for two students living together as partners, when you phone them up you just get a recorded message saying that all the info is on the website, I now have NO IDEA what I'm entitled to, and they want us to put in our term time address, which we don't have yet, which we can't apply properly without, but we can't start househunting until we've applied because we don't know how much money we're getting, so we can't get an address. Arrrgh. To top it all off, my dad's accountant who was meant to magically fix it all is stuck in India because of this blimmin' volcano. Rage.