(no subject)

Apr 05, 2010 22:53

Eeep, not updated in a while - busy ten days! Last week was, in theory, Anton's week off work, but in reality we ended up puppysitting because his parents had the same week booked off and went away to London, leaving us to look after their puppy. Yes they bought us a couple of little pressies and paid for us to visit Chatsworth last Friday but still, it was meant to be our first week off to spend together in months and instead we were both exhausted from a week of 7am starts and late nights due to puppyface... pissed off didn't quite cover it.

Anyway, enough of being annoyed. I'm tired of it now, because I've felt almost permanently annoyed for at least two weeks, so I'll shush up about it. Been dead busy with some fun stuff too recently, Chatsworth on Friday was amazing (I got unreasonably excited when we drove up to it and I spotted the river Jane Austen refers to - Chatsworth is the house Pemberly in Pride and Prejudice is meant to be based on, though I didn't spot Mr Darcy other than a frankly frightening portraight of Colin Firth in the gift shop). The house itself is really cool and we saw a pair of Egyptian Lion Goddess statues that were about 3,000 years old. Antony had an idea for a story centring around a very old statue like that, tri-part with one bit about the sculptor, one about the person who re-discovers it and one about the family estate it's bought for. I think I'm going to write it when I've had the time to do the research properly. The grounds were awesome, I could spend a whole day exploring all the paths and the woods and the coal tunnel and the gorgeous art, but it was tipping it down and we got so wet we had to go back to the car to dry off.

Then on Sunday we went to Alton Towers because we got the free tickets offer with The Sun (I must point out - WE DID NOT READ IT, we only got it for the offer, under no other circumstances would I ever consider buying that 'newspaper') but it turned out everyone had done that and it was chavtacular. Seriously, who wears stilettos to a theme park?! And the amount of orange flesh on show made me want to gag. Only did 4 rides as well, though we did get to go on that new one, Th13teen. It was pretty good, though perhaps not worth the 90 minute queue. Then again, few things are. Still cool.

This week it's back to the real world and work (yay). I have to write an essay about Errol Flynn, talking about how his star persona was formed and how that related to other issues of the 30s. So I'm going to talk about his multi-nationality and his infamous womanising and the statutory rape trial in 1943. If anyone can think of anything else I can talk about/knows any good bits in books about him please let me know!

SLEEP NOW. Apparently I still haven't caught up my sleep deficit from last week; I've scarcely been up 12 hours and I'm falling asleep as I type.

essay, exploring, chatsworth, puppy, alton towers, gah, i love you jane austen

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