Shit Hits the Fan... for a week.

Aug 19, 2005 04:56

So last Wednesday night, everything seemed great. Alex and I left for Pointless fest. We stayed the night in Columbus at Lydia's house. We began our adventure at 9:30am Thursday morning.

THURSDAY: About 2 hours from Philadelphia, my car starts fucking up in the way it has been for months- where the gas pedal seems to do nothing, and the car eventually stalls. We stalled on the highway- in the fast lane, i might add- numerous times, but we finally made it to the church. We met up with our Clevo friends, saw the bands play, then went to the park after the show and saw Erik Peterson play. Shit was awesome. We found a place to stay for the weekend with some girl who seemed pretty nice.

FRIDAY: We left in the morning to take my car to Midas to see what the fuck was wrong with it. The girl we were staying with said we could keep all of our shit there the entire weekend- so we didn't pack up the car or anything. It ended up there was a world of shit happening inside my car, and it cost $530 to fix it. Luckily my parents are awesome and they pay for it. Alex and I walk around the city and hang out before heading up to the show. The bands were amazing, but we were beat. Instead of going to a party we were told about, we headed back to the house we were staying at. Upon arrival, we discover that one of the girl's room mates is not at all happy with us staying there. She yells at us to get the fuck out, we're not allowed to stay there anymore- blah blah blah. Since my car was in the shop, we had to carry nearly everything we brought with us. Luckily, I remembered the address of the party, so Alex and I started the hike from West to North Philly. We caught a cab, and eventually found the house, where about 30 or 40 people were staying.

SATURDAY: I relaxed for most of the day, and finally got a call around 3:15 that my car was ready, and I needed to pick it up right away before they closed at 3:30. I hurried over there as fast as I could and got my car, but I missed the majority of Caustic Christ's set because of it. Later that night, we went to see Asshole Parade at an after party- but Alex started having panic attacks and shit. It sucked real bad. We planned on leaving in the morning, skipping Sunday's show.

SUNDAY: Alex and I left for home. Not even 10 minutes from our starting point, my car completely craps out on me, and refuses to start anymore. We got a tow truck to take us and the car back to Midas, which was closed- since it was Sunday. We were able to get Alex on a greyhound home, which was my main concern at the time, but it left me stranded in Philly. I went to the show and hung out with people, went back to the house I was staying at, and planned on going to Midas in the morning.

MONDAY: Pissed off, exhausted, tired, and ADHD as fuck- I left around 1 or so. I hopped in the first cab I saw, and went to Midas. About 2 minutes after the cab left, I realized I left my fucking keys in the taxi. As frustrated as I already was, I didn't even remember the colour of the cab I got into. I called AAA and they said a locksmith would be there in about an hour. THREE AND A HALF hours later, the guy finally gets there, makes me a new key and shit, but Midas wasn't going to have to look at it. They said from the sounds of it, though, I was going to have to get a new motor. That would cost around $2000. Pissed off and lonely, I take the train to New Jersey to hang out with my friends Gabby and Diane.

Later that night, we go to this apartment where some jockish aquaintances of theirs live. They had been drinking, and one of the guys was just talking all this hilarious nonsense. Gabby and I figured he was saying this stuff to be funny, and we laugh. He says something like "Don't fucking laugh, it's not funny, blah blah blah", sounding sarcastic when he says it. I look away, still chuckling, and the next thing I know I'm smacked fucking hard in the face. After all the shit that had gone wrong this weekend, I was just pushed over the edge. I left in a rage, and was just pacing around outside. My friends came out, ready to leave, and then finally the jock guy did. He gets in my face, asking if i "have a problem"- being a typical jock. Finally he walks away- and of course I yell at him and call him a stupid mother fucker. He runs at me, and we start fighting. He had the upper hand- he was easily twice my size. I fight my dirtiest, but still end up with a swollen black eye. I'm lucky I didn't have my knife on me, because I would have fucking castrated the guy, and probably would have ended up in jail or something. Shit just seemed to be getting worse.

TUESDAY: Depressed, sore, and now with a cold, I spent most of the day sleeping. When I finally got in touch with the people at Midas, they said they didn't get a chance to look at it, but would get to it Wednesday. Just fantastic.

WEDNESDAY: I got in touch with my mom, who said she'd come to pick me up. I went back to Philly and got a hotel room for Wednesday night- and my mom got in that evening. We planned on going to Midas in the morning so we could get the car towed to another place for a second opinion.

THURSDAY: We take the car to another shop, but they didn't think they'd be able to get to it that day. We decided to leave the car there, and I'd take a bus back in a week or so to go pick up my FIXED car. I finally got home around 10.

My eye has healed up alot- it's no longer swollen or anything, but it's still ultra purple. Feel pity for me.

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