Aug 26, 2007 21:01
Since getting paulewog's pm, I've been checking CF on and off. A big surprise awaited when I returned after a few weeks of absence.
Christian Forums is now changed to FORU.MS (weird site name), and all forums are opened to Christians and non-Christians alike.
Rules are wiki-based in that members of each sub-forum get to vote on the rules. (community based rules. Kind of a bit unclear are and causing some chaos in its initial stage of implementation)
Non-christians can become staff if they have enough votes (all staffs are now voted on by members)
I think Erwin's very ambitious. By taking the name 'christian' off the site, he's making the site more transparent and accepting. This way, the site becomes a site for all, not just Christians. Sure, Christian-based forums (though now opened to non-christians) "Christian advice" have rules that allow questionings from non-christians but not debating. In essence, the site still has its Christian section, but the 'power' of the forum no longer rests in Christian hands.
On the other hand, this move might prevent new influx of christians and have already seen some christians leaving for other sites. Christians can still look for fellowship at CF/UF, but that isn't the main purpose of the forums anymore. The purpose is to facilitate communication between different groups, guided by Christian principles. A social-networking site with the vision to outreach......
But... would it work in the long run? This factor was obviously one of the reasons for the site changes. But if the entire staffs was replaced by non-christians, and if certain christian subforums vote to become christian-only (which is already in discussion in one of the less trafficked forums), what purpose does that serve? Wouldn't that create niche groups? wouldn't that just make things worse? when rules are changed to adhere to the wishes of the majority, where does that leave CF/UF's vision?
Erwin's always struck me as an exceptionally brilliant leader, one who can take the best from both sides of the argument. I believe... uh, no.. I hope and pray that God's still working through him, because He really has done a lot through the site.
It's sad to see the word "christians" disappear. Shock, amazed, yet thrilled at the same time at what Erwin hopes to achieve. But the idea won't work if the site keeps losing Christians. You can't even goggle the site with the word "christian" anymore, whereas previously, the site would have appeared right on the top of the search page.
Will it work? In the long run..... let's wait and see what will happen in the long run, shall we? *ponderous*