Apr 11, 2005 22:47
SheKnewWhy [7:26 PM]: i litterally just laughed out loud ahahahahah
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:26 PM]: im so happy
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:26 PM]: i made you lol
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:26 PM]: fpr real
SheKnewWhy [7:26 PM]: hahahhaha
SheKnewWhy [7:26 PM]: i know....whoa break through!
SheKnewWhy [7:27 PM]: "lol"s are like the orgasm of the internet
SheKnewWhy [7:27 PM]: i mean think about it people fake it all the time
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:27 PM]: lololol
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:27 PM]: sooo true
SheKnewWhy [7:27 PM]: and every one wants others to have it
SheKnewWhy [7:27 PM]: but it is so rarely accomplished
SeXmAcHinE123469 [7:27 PM]: YOU MAKE ME LOL
SheKnewWhy [7:27 PM]: hahahhahaha