I seriously love you guys. I thought the first time was a fluke, but no, now you all have won me another one. :3 THANKIES! *huggles* For those of you that haven't seen this icon, I posted it at another comm, and I was going to post it here but I gots to go on...
Why:Well. My internet has totally died on my laptop, and I need a new router. I have noooo idea when I'm going to be getting a new one, but it probably won't be till a couple of weeks from now to a month. :( I am deeply sorry to those that have requested icons- I know that
fadingxmondays has already been waiting for a month. I have got a killer batch for you guys, but I can't upload anything as it is all on my laptop. :( I'M SORRY! Feel free to request anything while I'm gone, and I'll include it in the next post. :)
3.:O I ALMOST HAVE 100 WATCHERS. Where are you guys all coming from? I'm getting more of you every week, and I haven't posted icons in ages! I am very happy, though, KEEP IT COMING! :D:D I hope you all enjoy your stay!