41. i turned out all right in the end | morning glories ficathon, vol. 12

Jul 13, 2016 16:05

previous ficathons: i. for a better future, ii. all will be free, iii. siesta's over, iv. what faith is, v. nowhere else to go, vi. all together, one and all, vii. nobody but you can hear me, viii. there is such a thing as a tesseract, ix. best two out of three, x. this is the social event of the season, xi. boo us like we're human garbage

Casey, I-I want to be free.
I want-all of us to be free.
You guys.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

Morning Glories #50-the monumental season finale, and halfway mark of the series-hits shelves today, after a 6 month hiatus. What will happen after #49? we wondered. Will Hunter and Ike be crushed by rubble? Will the Headmaster explain how he goes to the bathroom in that onesie? Will Casey and Zoe/Jade reunite and kiss? None of these things happened. But a lot of other things did happen, as they often do in this comic called Morning Glories. And now we are stumbling our way down the long, rocky road to recovery.

You, too, can catch this tremendous issue and join us in our eternal suffering if you so choose: it is readily available on the Image site, Comixology, or at your local comic book store. And it has four (4) variant covers, featuring the main cast in coordinated, fashionable outfits! (Note: covers are not canon compliant.) Prepare yourself, though. Hire a therapist or something, just in case. Set yourself up to go for a walk after. Think about the things that make you happy and just, uh, hope that they aren't characters in this comic.

I warn you, now more than ever, to be wary of the comments section if you haven't yet read the issue-there may be spoilers, and trust me, there is plenty to spoil in this issue. What a whirlwind. After I read it this morning I was just.

For those of you who are new to this neck of the woods-the very expansive, very scary woods that may play host to some ancient Sumerian ruins, but we don't like to advertise it much-fear not; I am here to help. The ficathons have been going on for well over a year now, usually on the tail of a new issue (though the last one was for #48; whoops! I am a bad mod!), and they basically work as follows: people leave prompts, people fill those prompts, people read those fills, people cry, people kill Hunter. Seriously. It's not a ficathon if Hunter doesn't die at least three times. Anyone can join in, with or without a LiveJournal account. Anonymous comments are enabled.
  • Leave a prompt, see if someone fills it; see a prompt you like, reply and fill it yourself. If you'd prefer to just lurk and read what gets churned out, that's cool, too! People love it when you leave feedback on the things they write, so that is also an option if you are feeling extra enthusiastic! You are not required to fill anything, and you can leave as many prompts as you like, for any ships and characters you like, anytime.
  • Anyone can participate! Whether this is your first time swinging by or you've been here since the first one, we are so so happy to have you! Anonymous commenting is enabled and screening is disabled, so you can join in even if you don't have a LiveJournal account. Keep in mind that whether you are a registered user or not, if your reply contains a link (say, to an external site where you've posted your fill if it's too long or you don't want to post it in parts), it will automatically be screened and Brella will have to manually unscreen it. LiveJournal does not notify her of this by e-mail, so sometimes it takes her a while to notice. If it's taking too long for Brella to approve it, just send her an ask on Tumblr and she'll get right on it!
  • Prompts can be filled multiple times, so don't feel bad if somebody fills a prompt you were eyeing. Nobody's got dibs, it's free for all! And, like, let's be real here, nobody in their right mind would complain about having their prompt filled twice.
  • Some of us (read: Silver) like to go wild and write fills thousands of words long, but there is no minimum or maximum word count for fills. Like, obviously, don't be a smartass and write a fill two words long, but feel free to write short flash fiction-y prompts! Sometimes less is more, after all!
  • Feel free to second prompts, encourage writers, or even chatter about your DREAM FILL for this prompt in the comments; who knows; it may inspire someone! Replies to the entry should all be prompts of some kind, but replies to other comments can be anything you like. We get very silly sometimes.

When leaving prompts, make sure they conform to this format, or something like it, for the sake of organization:

character/pairing | prompt

And when leaving fills, make sure they have this in the new subject line at the top of the reply comment, for the sake of organization:

title | rating/warnings if needed | character/pairing(s)

If your fill exceeds the number of characters permitted in a single LJ comment, you can either post it on an external site (like AO3, Tumblr, or your own journal here) and link to it in a reply, or post it in parts. This can also apply if you're filling a prompt that's one of the classic "5 Times + 1 Time" suckers. If you post it in parts, make sure to tack on an addendum to your fill header that makes it clear which part is which and how many parts there are, so something like this: 1/4, 2/3, or, if you're not sure how many parts it will have, 1/?. This makes it easier for me to organize them in the fill list. You can see an example of this here if it's unclear.

There is no time limit. There is no space, either. What is reality? Are we even real? Why are there six Ians? Why is there one Ian? Stay tuned.

Have fun!

H-Ha ha.........

"Fun"................................... .    .            .



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