Mar 17, 2006 09:49
My belly hurts
I think I have a crush on someone
Bought material yesterday
Pretteh pink with flowers
Yellow with little strawberrys
Greenishblueish with weird stuff.
New cute tops coming my way
When I can be bothered to start sewing them.
I saw a pattern for the ball dress I want
So that's lovely. =]]
Myspazz is annoying me lately
As people on it sometimes need a good beating up.
This weekend I'm going to a pimps&hoes parteh.
I don't know what to dress as
I think I want to go as a princess.. a hoeish one.
(It's possible)
Honestly, I just want to dress up as a princess
I already have the tiara.
So nerr.
Tommorow I'm hanging out with Ky
I love that girl
My nose itches.
Hilary duff makes me wanna be a lesbian.
Yesterday I thought my car was broken
But then I realised it wasnt
So then I took my little sister for a small drive
Caus I'm hardcore.