May 12, 2011 04:06
- 07:04:57: Work sucks. I want to go to Disney World! Or anywhere but here.
- 07:20:22: @ sambosambo I actually like my job, when I can do it. Im having computer issues and the IT guys dont help much.
- 07:21:48: @ sambosambo check out Happy Donuts on 24th St on Noe Valley in San Fran. NOM NOM NOM!!!!!!!
- 07:30:51: What he said. "@CharleyBelcher: Sometimes my desire to tweet outweighs my having something to say."
- 09:56:33: My first time watching a kid and she gets sick. Figures. I dont know what to do. Give her Gateraide? Take her to the clinic?
- 10:00:12: @ drew3486 shes been throwing up. Right now shes resting, I think ill let her sleep. Id like to see if she has a fever though.
- 10:01:33: @ indik see the message to @drew3486. I know nothing about kids!
- 10:04:15: @ indik true. She'll always be a kid to me though.
- 10:06:58: @ drew3486 thanks! I just asked her if she wanted ginger ale and crackers and she said ok! Good idea!
- 10:08:56: @ drew3486 @indik its hard enough to get the tiny girl to eat! I don't know how she has anything to throw up.
- 10:10:18: @ RachelEMoniz lol shes 17. But she'll always be a kid to me!
- 10:17:27: @ drew3486 @indik its odd. Little doesn't run in my family. Shes a size 1!
- 11:22:22: @ drew3486 @indik she doesnt want tv/movie, she wants to take a nap. Shes eating the crackers though.
- 18:16:00: Lol Brittney felt better when she heard oulet mall. Yep...we're related. The ones in Orlando are better but these will do!
- 18:50:37: @ Jchawes love the Hard Rocks! I collect their shot glasses. They opened a new one here in Tampa at the casino.
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