im stuck with a hand full of band aids

Aug 30, 2005 17:53

man i love her.

i love my art classes. the end two. photography is still iffy. even though i love my pin hole camera design. but i love so much more my emotion drawing. i seriously might be in love with it. i wish i could show everyone. ryans is turning out really good too. im glad about that.

im really liking the friends i have this year. i didnt really ever think id get to be friends with ryan or jonathan. but i am and i basically love them. friday. play date. shannon, freaking be there. i told ryan you didnt think you were invited and hes gonna kick you. or something similar.

i just got home froma completely pointless doctors appointment. he didnt even tell me anything. but i think im being diabetic. im not sure but they made it seem weird. and awkward. and boring. and im sleepy.

so school is just tiring. other than that its actually enjoyable. i like being a senior because people want to be treated samely. our senior shirts are jack daniels this year. kick ass c bass. hot pocket.

nothing is even happening in my life, how can i have so many feelings and things going on in my head if hardly nothing new or different is going on the outside? going to rochell was awkward last time. its never awkward. i dont know whats my deal. and i just remembered that i forgot to tell my doctor something maybe important. shit.

i roam the streets with absolutely no purpose. feeling like im worthless. but contrary to my last statement, i feel fine.

my wrist feels weird and i feel like talking to brian. aka being at his house laying on his couch silent, watching tv. but its comfortable and i like that i think. i dont know. i think so.

i now have two job offers and i dont know which one to pick. but i need money hardcore. i need to pay lacrosse dues. pwaha.

i took cutie for a ride in my death cab. she tipped me with a kiss. i dropped her off at the meth lab. before she left, she made a dashboard confessional. and spilled her guts and cursin. but whats worse is i can still see her bright eyes.

have you seen that movie spun. its so good. i hate syaing this but sometimes i wanna feel like that. i wanna see that. but i dont wanna be drug girl. i just like being what i am. except almost every part of me.

i love gym class heroes and i want a hoodie like woah.

remember on that show blossom? the lawrence brother use to say "WOO-UAH" we brought it back.

kelsey is the cutest starbucks barista ive ever seen and im glad i live with her for now.
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