it's 3 am i must be lonely

Jul 30, 2008 02:54

yup. that's pretty much it. got too much on my mind and i can't go to sleep. this shit sucks.

- grad school
- student teaching
- graduation
- work
- teaching

to name a few. :( my sister bought her wedding dress today. it's absolutely gorgeous. my mom went along with us, and it was fun. but it reminds me of what i'll never have, and that's my mom's blessing. dating someone that isn't a jehovah's witness is not something she wants me to do. and it's not something i should be doing. but i'm doing it, and i can't get myself out of it, and my mom will never approve. and it's not her approval that i'm looking for. if things go as planned with andy, i want my mother to be at the wedding. i want all of my friends and family to be there and for them to be happy. i want my dad to give me away. i want my mom to be happy that i'm happy. i want so many things. and they're not gonna happen. and that makes me really sad.

i have a lesson tomorrow (later today) that i was unable to prepare for because i was out of town this weekend. poop.

i shall continue browsing the web. if anyone is up, give me a holler.
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