Jan 21, 2006 14:13
Caution: Language
Is it reasonable to be angry about being ignored?
What the fuck did I ever do to piss them off so much?
-I NEVER pm'd ANY nasty messages of any sort
-I NEVER attacked anyone personnally
-I went out of my ever since I joined to try to get to know people...
-And all I've ever gotten from most people there was the cold shoulder...
I'm sick and tired of the bullshit!!!!
I've noticed new members asking (granted newbie) questions attacked, I'm seen people outright ignored, I personnally have been killing threads left right and centre for some reason....
No wonder why I drifted away for a few months...
Fuck them, they can have their fucking in-club guised under the BML and BMMB and their "Community"
I'm leaving the BMMB, I'm not going to raise a stink about it though beacause it's not worth my time and emotional energy in order for nothing to change...
Couple notes:
-If you have been reading this in my LJ without being reffered to it by anyone you are NOT part of the problem...
Their are a few people who do not read my LJ and I want to ensure they do not feel bad in the event that this comes up on the BMMB:
Debbie (Bluebee)
Jim (JWtodd)
Jessica (blutat2)
Ken (Falling)
-And IF anyone reading this decides to bring it upi on the board you're on your own, I don't have the time or enery in my life right now to fight a huge internet flame war that won't change anything anyways....