Apr 10, 2005 14:21
my grandmother (dads mom) cracks me up. she has had serious helath issues the past year or so, so i havent been able to spend much time w/ her...and she had NEVER come to raleigh before....but oh my did she love it! it was soooo funny watching her the first day she was here....walking thru a grp of about 15 hispanic men who were completely drunk and smoking pot. mwahahaha....she just laughed. then she came inside and was like "i need to go talk to those guys....tell them that my granddaughter lives here and id appreciate it if they'd move their little commitee meeting away from the breezeway so she didnt have to walk thru them every time she walked out the door!" hahahahah. ooh funny! then last nite when we left they saw us coming and went completely silent and parted down the middle so we could walk thru...very polite and no comments or gestures or anything.....then coming back, they had moved over to the side of the building...so she was like "see, my grandmotherly influence has affected them!!" she was so proud the kicker was this afternoon as they were leaving, one of the really genuinely nice guys came over and offered to carry their stuff to the car! my grandma was shocked! hahahah. she felt a LOT better about me living here by the time she left today. it cracked me up. she is a good kid...im glad she got to come down and visit!
so anywho...im excited about today! i get to hang out at the house, read more of "captivating" ( a new book out by John and Stasi Eldridge i just bought...he's the author of the book for guys, "wild at heart"..mmmm....grrrrrreat author!!!!!), sleep....basically whatever i want!!! hahah. that definately doesnt happen often....think im gonna take advanatege of it while ive got the chance!! and then tonite, the Hispanic church that meets here at the appartment is showing the Jesus film in spanish outside, so ill be going over to watch that and play w/ tha 'lil kids that are sure to show up!! Sunday rocks--fo sho! aaaand then on Tuesday we're taking the youth grp from here to see "West Side Story" that's being performed by the local christian high school. DUDE im pumped about that! hahah....west side story is by far my FAVORITE musical!!! mmmm....good times good times!!!!